Utiliser une ampoule ou une prise connectée Wiz (API ou wizcon)

Pilotage de l'ampoule avec l'API Wiz

Exemples d'utilisation avec API Wiz

Turn smart bulb on and set brightness
pgd@rpi01:~ $ echo '{"id":1,"method":"setState","params": {"state":true, "dimming":<brightness 10-100>}}' | nc -u -w 1 <ip address> 38899

Turn smart bulb off
pgd@rpi01:~ $ echo '{"id":1,"method":"setState","params": {"state":false}}' | nc -u -w 1 <ip address> 38899

Turn smart bulb on and set scene
pgd@rpi01:~ $ echo '{"id":1,"method":"setState","params": {"state":true, "dimming":<brightness 10-100>, "sceneId":<id>, "speed":<20-200>}}' | nc -u -w 1 <ip address> 38899

Get parameters for Wiz light
pgd@rpi01:~ $ echo '{"method":"getPilot","params": {}}' | nc -u -w 1 <ip address> 38899


timestampEvent timestamp, UNIX timeLong1580366320
macMAC address of the deviceString"a8bb50343f9a"
connectedConnection status of the device: true if connected, false if notBooleantrue
rssiWiFi signal strength, in negative dBm (for debugging purpose)Int-71
stateStatus of the Device : true if ON, false if OFFBooleantrue
sceneIdID of the light mode being playedInt12
speedTransition speed in %Int100
rRed component valueInt25
gGreen component valueInt25
bBlue component valueInt25
cCool white component valueInt25
wWarm white component valueInt25
colorTemperatureColor temperature value, KInt4200
dimmingBrightness value, 0-100Int90
consumptionRateInHourHow much does the device consume in 1h, W/hFloat9.6
onSinceUNIX timestamp when the device was turned ON, 0 if it’s OFF nowLong1580366320
offSinceUNIX timestamp when the device was turned OFF, 0 if it’s ON nowLong1580256641

Light state input

r - type Int, Red track value. Valid range: 0-255
g - type Int, Green track value. Valid range: 0-255
b - type Int, Blue track value. Valid range: 0-255
cw - type Int, Cool White track value. Valid range: 0-255
ww - type Int, Warm White track value. Valid range: 0-255
dimming - type Int, Brightness value. Valid range: 10-100
sceneId - type Int, one of predefined light modes. Valid range: 1-32. Full list
speed - type Int, Speed of dynamic light modes (Ocean, Romance, Forest, etc). Valid range: 20-200
ratio - type Int, Ratio for dual-zone devices. Valid range: 0-100
state - type Boolean, State of the device. true - the device is turned on, false - the device is turned off
temperature - type Int, CCT value, measured in Kelvins. Valid range depends on the product, common range is 2700-6500K

Light modes

Les ampoules WiZ ont des capacités différentes selon la configuration matérielle, mais généralement elles peuvent être divisés en plusieurs groupes distincts :
  • RGBTW : elles ont des LED rouges, vertes, bleues, blanc froid et blanc chaud. Ce type d'ampoules peut prendre en charge tous les modes d'éclairage fournis par le système WiZ
  • TW : elles ont des LED blanc froid et blanc chaud. Ces appareils prennent en charge la plupart des modes d'éclairage statique + contrôle CCT
  • DW : elles n'ont que des LED blanches à intensité variable. Ces appareils ne prennent en charge que les modes de gradation, de réveil, d'heure du coucher et de nuit.

    Résumé des modes d'éclairage que vous pouvez trouver dans le tableau suivant :
    IDNameRGBTWTWDWAdjustable speedAdjustable dimming
    8Pastel Colors
    9Wake up
    11Warm white
    13Cool white
    14Night light
    17True colors
    18TV Time
    19Plant growth
    23Deep dive
    30Golden white

    Pilotage de l'ampoule avec wizcon



    Installation de wizcon

    pgd@rpi01:~ $ pip install wizcon                      

    Utilisation de wizcon

    pgd@rpi01:~ $ wizcon [-h] [-si {1-32}] [-b {0-255}] [-rgb {0-255} {0-255} {0-255}] [-v] IP {ON,OFF,SWITCH}

    Exemples d'utilisation avec wizcon

    Turn smart bulb on
    pgd@rpi01:~ $ wizcon <ip address> ON                  

    Turn smart bulb off
    pgd@rpi01:~ $ wizcon <ip address> OFF                 

    Switch smart bulb between on and off states
    pgd@rpi01:~ $ wizcon <ip address> SWITCH              

    Set scene to "Deepdive" using scene ID
    pgd@rpi01:~ $ wizcon --scene_id <scene ID> <ip address> ON

    Set brightness to 255 (max brightness)
    pgd@rpi01:~ $ wizcon --brightness 255 <ip address> ON 

    Set smart bulb color to blue
    pgd@rpi01:~ $ wizcon -rgb 0 0 255 <ip address> ON